Image recorded at 22 Sep 2020 - 03:53

Observation type
An object moving across the sky
22 Sep 2020 - 03:53
Image type
Excluded pixels. This is a map of pixels within the frame which were being ignored owing to too much past variability. They may be foreground objects which are often illuminated by car headlights, for example. Only white pixels are ignored; different shades of grey indicate how much each pixel has varied in the past.
Display options
Other files associated with this event

Metadata about this image
Property | Value |
Observatory ID | cambridge-east-0 |
Unix timestamp | 1600746832.91 |
Pi-gazing type | pigazing:movingObject/mapExcludedPixels |
Width of frame | 720.00 |
Height of frame | 576.00 |
Noise level of input frames (0-255) | 12.67 |
Noise level of stacked image (0-255) | 12.67 |
Average pixel brightness (0-255) | 44.05 |
Number of frames spanned | 1.00 |
Right ascension of Sun (hr) | 11.98 |
Declination of Sun (deg) | 0.15 |
Altitude of Sun (sec) | -17.46 |
Azimuth of Sun (sec) | 65.79 |
Sky clarity estimate | 175.00 |
Metadata about this observation
Property | Value |
Peak brightness of object | 9577.00 |
Time-integrated brightness of object | 270873.00 |
Number of motion sensor detections | 65.00 |
Detection significance | 755.71 |
Duration of object's appearance (sec) | 2.92 |
Height of frame | 576.00 |
Path of object | [[322,24,1600746832.912],[300,228,1600746834.192],[284,401,1600746835.828]] |
Video duration | 8.91 |
Video frames/second | 25.03 |
Video start time | 1600746830.91 |
Width of frame | 720.00 |
Identification: Object type | Meteor |
Meteor: parent shower | Sporadic |
Meteor: Angular offset from radiant (deg) | 0.00 |
Meteor: Track length (deg) | 40.30 |
Meteor: Path (RA, Dec) | [[3.933,44.606],[2.205,35.912],[1.038,24.623]] |
Frame drop incidents | [] |
Triangulation: Speed (m/s) | 51563.85 |
Triangulation: Altitude (km) | 162.76 |
Triangulation: Error (deg) | 0.64 |
Triangulation: Max baseline (m) | 6194.17 |
Triangulation: Radiant direction (RA, Dec) | [27.909276027526545, 6.285111395916868] |
Triangulation: Sight line count | 134.00 |
Triangulation: Path | [{"lat": 52.02620600366917, "lng": 0.14570384219635973, "alt": 157181.85183612723, "utc": 1600746832.912}, {"lat": 51.65870945165236, "lng": 358.0128117863512, "alt": 168335.59587151278, "utc": 1600746835.945}] |